We bring modern materials and fit to traditional techniques. All our bags are handmade with personally and ecologically and ethically sourced materials. It's more difficult and more expensive. But we think it's worth it and we think you will too.
Leather Care
Even the best leather will dry and crack over time. If handled roughly or stored improperly, your bag may stain or prematurely deteriorate. Quality leather conditioners extend the life of leather. Our bags are designed with quality leather that has gone through an extensive tanning and finishing process. The result is very soft, flexible, and able to withstand daily use. Quality leather gets better with proper cleaning and conditioning.
Canvas Care
How to Clean Cotton Canvas:
Using a soft brush, gently brush the canvas.Gently dab with a soft cotton cloth and warm water .Allow the canvas to air dry.If spot is still there, you can use a mild detergent and spot clean again.If the spot is still there after a second cleaning with detergent, please contact us.

Organic Tanned Leather
All our bags are handmade in a environmentally friendly, vegetable tanning process that results in beautiful and durable leather.

The saddle stitch is stronger than traditional stitches created by sewing machines and is the preferred method of leather craftsman.